Sunday, July 31, 2016

Touch is a human sense

We use and experience the term "touch" in different ways. One scientific definition refers to our physical, biological, and chemical system that creates the sensation that we interpret with our brains.

"This system is responsible for all the sensations we feel - cold, hot, smooth, rough, pressure, tickle, itch, pain, vibrations, and more. Within the somatosensory system, there are four main types of receptors: mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, pain receptors, and proprioceptors."

However, touching may also be something that we feel in the heart. We might say that yet all feeling is indeed accomplished in the brain.

All humans are brainiacs in the sense that our minds perform like computers. After all, computers are a human invention. Now, humans have created software programs which perform as they do. We have done that just as we invented hammers, for instance. We first created nails and then we invented a tool for pounding.

Someone invented paint. Someone else invented brushes. The next thing you know artists combined them to produce impressions of life as they felt it.

People like sharing their feelings. They enjoy being touched by ideas and things that they see. One cannot always "touch" art because, you know, there is a 12-inch rule in museums that keep you away from it.

That is why "touching," a feeling in the heart and head was invented to experience the work of an artist no matter how it was created.

Hearts as art

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