Monday, September 19, 2016

Visiting the spring house

My professor friend, Dr. James Rodger celebrated his birthday with a ride through the woods on an all-terrain vehicle to visit his spring house. I envy him for living on a farm in Pennsylvania where turkeys are common visitors, and sometimes bears make an appearance too.

I used to go to a spring house with my Great Uncle, Olver George who lived on a farm outside Chesterville, Ohio. The spring was located across a cornfield from the farmhouse.

A spring house is a covered shed or structure that keeps the water flowing from the spring clear of debris. It may also keep animals out to prevent contamination.

Uncle Oliver's structure was made of brick and stone that was covered with sod. It had a wooden door that opened into a small cave. Inside, he had constructed shelves to hold fruit and vegetables, primarily apples.

I don't know what Dr. Rodger keeps in his spring house, but I bet that since it is located a distance into the wooded shrubs that it would be inviting to animals, including bears that live in that area.

In the old days, a spring house was used as a refrigerator.

Dr. Rodger's spring house

Similar to Great Uncle Oliver's spring house

That's what I want to see

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