Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Pack a little energy

Before hiking, my Mom used to make sure that I had a little snack to take with me. She would hand to me an apple and a paper sack with peanuts. My Dad taught me to carry a walking stick.

My Grandfather, Oscar Taylor George, always took a cane with him, even before he needed one. He made the cane in the barn starting with a branch from a hickory tree. The branch was fresh when he started the project.

He removed the bark using his whittling knife. (I carry one of those with me at all times.) He sawed the bottom of the stick straight across, and sanded it a little.

The tricky part was to bend the top of the stick into a cane shaped handle. Since the branch was green, it would bend, but it was stiff. You can’t bend it too far or else it will snap.

Using a wood vice, he held the top in place. He let that cure for over a month before removing the cane from the vice. I was there when he did that and it was perfect.

He did some more sanding to make it just right.

Do you want to see that cane? I still have it, just in case I need it to help me get around someday.

Today, however, when I am on the trail, I will watch to find a walking stick.

Take an apple

Oscar Taylor George cane 1

Oscar Taylor George cane 2

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